Honoring a Lost Coworker: A Touching Tribute at Lethal Company

In the world of indie gaming, Lethal Company is known for its surprise hit game and its tight-knit community. When tragedy struck and they lost their coworker Steve, the employees came together to honor him in a way that truly reflected their shared passion for the game. Join me as we delve into the touching tribute that unfolded at Lethal Company, showcasing the unique bond between coworkers and the extraordinary lengths they went to commemorate their fallen comrade.

A Heartfelt Farewell

The employees at Lethal Company bid a touching farewell to their coworker Steve.

Honoring a Lost Coworker: A Touching Tribute at Lethal Company - -1014772719

When tragedy struck and the employees at Lethal Company lost their coworker Steve, they knew they had to find a way to honor his memory. With their shared love for the indie surprise hit game, they came up with a unique and heartfelt tribute that showcased their deep bond as a team.

They gathered together, reminiscing about their time with Steve and sharing stories of his infectious enthusiasm. It was clear that Steve had made a lasting impact on each of them, and they were determined to create a tribute that truly reflected his spirit.

Retrieving Steve's Body

The challenging journey to retrieve Steve's body and the obstacles they faced along the way.

With heavy hearts, Steve's coworkers embarked on the difficult task of retrieving his body. They faced numerous challenges, including a dangerous encounter with a Bracken that had taken Steve's life. Despite the risks, they were determined to bring their fallen comrade back to their ship.

The Bracken had dragged Steve's body far from the exit, forcing his coworkers to navigate treacherous terrain and make sacrifices along the way. Mary, one of Steve's coworkers, even had to drop a valuable lamp in order to reach him. It was a harrowing experience, but their dedication to honoring Steve drove them forward.

A Unique Tribute

The unconventional way in which Steve's coworkers honored him and met their quota.

As the deadline to meet their quota loomed, Steve's coworkers faced a dilemma. They couldn't go back into the dangerous territory, but they needed to do something to honor Steve and fulfill their obligations. That's when Jeff, one of Steve's coworkers, came up with a unique idea.

Remembering that Steve had recently had a dentist appointment, they decided to retrieve his dental crowns and sell them as scrap. It was a bittersweet moment as they carefully removed the crowns, knowing that it was what Steve would have wanted. In the end, their unconventional tribute not only honored Steve but also helped them meet their quota.

A New Chapter

The arrival of a new coworker and the hope it brings for the future.

Despite the loss of Steve, life at Lethal Company continued. A new employee joined the team, bringing a fresh perspective and renewed hope. With a glass eye and a gold tooth, this new coworker quickly became a unique addition to the group.

While they may not know his name yet, the employees at Lethal Company are optimistic about the future. They have assigned him the task of checking the turrets, a job that always proves to be active. With this new addition, they hope to not only meet their goals but also find some much-needed respite, perhaps even a shower.

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