Rocket League Trading Feature to be Removed: What You Need to Know

In a surprising turn of events, Psyonix has announced that the beloved player-to-player trading feature in Rocket League will be discontinued. As one of the most popular online games of the last decade, Rocket League has captivated players with its unique gameplay and extensive customization options. Join me as we explore the reasons behind this decision and how it will impact the Rocket League community.

The End of Player-to-Player Trading

Discover the shocking news of Psyonix's decision to remove the player-to-player trading feature in Rocket League.

Psyonix has dropped a bombshell on the Rocket League community by announcing the removal of the highly popular player-to-player trading feature. This feature has been a beloved aspect of the game, allowing players to trade items with each other and avoid being stuck with unwanted items. The news has left many players wondering why this decision was made and what it means for the future of Rocket League.

While the announcement may come as a shock to some, Psyonix has stated that this change is being made to align with Epic's approach to in-game items. As Psyonix is now owned by Epic Games, they are adopting a policy where items are not tradable, transferrable, or sellable. This move will also pave the way for Rocket League vehicles to potentially make appearances in other Epic Games titles, opening up new possibilities for cross-game ownership.

Trade-In System as an Alternative

Learn about the alternative option that Psyonix is providing for players with the Trade-In system.

Although player-to-player trading will no longer be available, Psyonix is introducing the Trade-In system as an alternative. This system will allow players to trade in duplicate or unwanted items to receive a random new item of higher rarity. It provides a way for players to continue managing their inventory and potentially obtain more desirable items.

It's important to note that any items that have already been traded will not be affected by this change. However, after December 5th, all trades will be considered final, and there will be no way to trade items with other players or between accounts. Psyonix warns players to be cautious and not fall for fraudulent websites or servers claiming to offer trading services.

Impact on Borrowed Items

Discover what the removal of player-to-player trading means for players who have lent items to others.

If you have lent an item to another player, it's important to retrieve it before December 5th. Psyonix has made it clear that lending items is not supported, and all trades will be considered final. Once the player-to-player trading feature is removed, there will be no way to return borrowed items. Make sure to communicate with the person you lent the item to and arrange for its return before it's too late.

Future Possibilities with Epic Games

Explore the potential for Rocket League vehicles to appear in other Epic Games titles.

One of the reasons behind the removal of player-to-player trading is to align with Epic Games' approach to in-game items. This alignment opens up exciting possibilities for Rocket League vehicles to make appearances in other Epic Games titles. While no specific details have been revealed, the idea of driving a Rocket League car in games like Fortnite is undoubtedly intriguing.

Psyonix's decision to join forces with Epic Games has brought about new opportunities for cross-game ownership and collaboration. As the two entities continue to work together, we can expect to see more exciting developments in the future.


The removal of the player-to-player trading feature in Rocket League has undoubtedly come as a surprise to many players. While it may be disappointing to see this beloved feature go, it is important to understand that Psyonix's decision is driven by the need to align with Epic Games' approach to in-game items. The introduction of the Trade-In system provides an alternative for players to manage their inventory and potentially obtain more desirable items. Additionally, the possibility of Rocket League vehicles appearing in other Epic Games titles opens up exciting opportunities for cross-game ownership.

As Rocket League continues to evolve and grow, we can expect to see more exciting developments and collaborations in the future. While change can be challenging, it also brings new possibilities and experiences. Let's embrace the future of Rocket League and see where this journey takes us.


What will happen to my duplicate or unwanted items?

The Trade-In system will allow you to trade in duplicate or unwanted items to receive a random new item of higher rarity.

What if I lent someone an item?

All trades are considered final, and there will be no way to return borrowed items after the player-to-player trading feature is removed. Make sure to retrieve any lent items before December 5th.

Will Rocket League vehicles appear in other Epic Games titles?

Psyonix's alignment with Epic Games opens up the possibility for Rocket League vehicles to make appearances in other Epic Games titles. While no specific details have been revealed, it's an exciting prospect for cross-game ownership.

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