Pirate101: Plunder Hunt - A New Mobile Game Adventure

Welcome to the thrilling world of Pirate101: Plunder Hunt! KingsIsle's new mobile game takes you on a solo adventure in the beloved Spiral universe. Join the alpha test and experience a whole new set of unique adventures and mechanics. Dive into this article to learn more about this exciting addition to the Pirate101 franchise.

Embark on a Solo Adventure

Experience the thrill of solo play in Pirate101: Plunder Hunt

Are you ready to set sail on a solo adventure in the Spiral universe? Pirate101: Plunder Hunt offers a unique gaming experience tailored for solo play. Dive into the game and immerse yourself in exciting quests and challenges designed to be tackled on your own.

Explore the vast world of Pirate101, encounter fascinating characters, and uncover hidden treasures as you navigate through the game. Whether you're a seasoned pirate or new to the franchise, Pirate101: Plunder Hunt promises to deliver an unforgettable solo adventure.

A New Mobile Game Experience

Discover the world of Pirate101 on your mobile device

With the release of Pirate101: Plunder Hunt, KingsIsle brings the beloved Spiral universe to your mobile device. Immerse yourself in stunning visuals, vibrant characters, and captivating storylines as you embark on your pirate journey.

The game is designed specifically for mobile play, offering intuitive controls and a user-friendly interface. Whether you're on the go or relaxing at home, Pirate101: Plunder Hunt allows you to dive into the pirate world whenever and wherever you want.

Exclusive In-Game Rewards

Unlock exclusive items and rewards in Pirate101: Plunder Hunt

As an early alpha tester of Pirate101: Plunder Hunt, you have the opportunity to earn exclusive in-game rewards. Progress through the game and unlock a Batacuda mount, a unique companion that will accompany you on your adventures.

Additionally, you can purchase the Batacuda mount for $1.99 from the cash shop if you prefer. Take advantage of this limited-time offer and showcase your exclusive rewards to other players in the game.

Provide Valuable Feedback

Have your say in shaping the future of Pirate101: Plunder Hunt

Your feedback is crucial in shaping the development of Pirate101: Plunder Hunt. KingsIsle encourages all alpha testers to provide their thoughts, suggestions, and bug reports to help improve the game.

You can submit your feedback through the official website or leave a review in the respective app stores. Your input will directly contribute to making Pirate101: Plunder Hunt an even better gaming experience for all players.

Committed to the Original Game

KingsIsle's dedication to the future of Pirate101

For those concerned about the impact of Pirate101: Plunder Hunt on the original game, fear not. KingsIsle remains committed to an aggressive content release schedule for the pirate MMORPG.

They have exciting plans in store for the future of Pirate101, with new updates, quests, and features scheduled for release in the coming years. Rest assured, the original game will continue to thrive alongside the new mobile adventure.


Pirate101: Plunder Hunt brings the beloved Spiral universe to the mobile gaming world, offering an exciting solo adventure tailored for players on the go. Dive into the game and immerse yourself in captivating quests, stunning visuals, and exclusive in-game rewards. Your feedback as an alpha tester will help shape the future of Pirate101: Plunder Hunt, ensuring an even better gaming experience for all players. Rest assured, KingsIsle remains committed to the original Pirate101 game, with exciting updates and content planned for the future.

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