Noodle Cat Games Raises $12 Million to Revolutionize Action RPG Genre

Noodle Cat Games, an indie game development studio, has recently announced a major milestone in their journey. With a successful funding round of $12 million, they are poised to revolutionize the action role-playing game genre. Led by industry veterans and armed with a team of seasoned professionals, Noodle Cat Games is set to bring fresh ideas and a unique gameplay experience to gamers worldwide.

Noodle Cat Games: Revolutionizing the Action RPG Genre

Discover how Noodle Cat Games is set to revolutionize the action role-playing game genre with their fresh ideas and innovative approach.

Noodle Cat Games, an indie game development studio, is on a mission to revolutionize the action role-playing game genre. With their recent funding of $12 million, they are ready to bring a new level of creativity and innovation to gamers worldwide.

Led by industry veterans from studios like Epic Games, Electronic Arts, and BioWare, Noodle Cat Games is armed with a team of seasoned professionals who have worked on legendary titles such as Fortnite, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Infinity Blade. Their collective expertise and passion for gaming make them the perfect team to shake up the industry.

By prioritizing individual creative impact, employee well-being, and career growth, Noodle Cat Games aims to create a flexible and inclusive studio environment. Their ultimate goal is to deliver an exceptional multiplayer action RPG that pushes the boundaries of what players expect from the genre.

The Vision of Noodle Cat Games

Learn about Noodle Cat Games' vision for the future of the gaming industry and their commitment to creating a better work environment for game developers.

Noodle Cat Games is not just focused on creating innovative games; they also have a broader vision for the gaming industry as a whole. They believe that by maximizing individual creative impact and fostering a positive work environment, they can create better games and increase team satisfaction.

With their flexible, iteration-based approach to game development, Noodle Cat Games aims to empower their team members to contribute their best ideas and collaborate effectively. They are committed to equitable compensation, employee well-being, and career growth, ensuring that their studio is a place where talented individuals can thrive.

By implementing their vision, Noodle Cat Games hopes to inspire other studios to adopt similar practices and create a more inclusive and fulfilling work environment for game developers everywhere.

The Journey to Building Noodle Cat Games

Explore the journey of Noodle Cat Games and how they have evolved from a hypothesis to an effective development structure.

The road to building Noodle Cat Games has been an exciting one. The team has gone from a hypothesis to an effective development structure that has resulted in a unique gameplay experience. They have iterated, learned, and grown, all in pursuit of their goal to build awesome games and revolutionize the industry.

With the support of world-class investors such as Hiro Capital, Makers Fund, Krafton, and Sony Innovation Fund, Noodle Cat Games is well-positioned to accelerate their development and expand their team. They are actively seeking the best creative talent from across the gaming industry to join their mission.

Join Noodle Cat Games on their journey as they continue to push the boundaries of game development and deliver unforgettable gaming experiences.

The Inaugural Title and Beyond

Get a glimpse into the future as Noodle Cat Games prepares to unveil their inaugural title and expand their team.

While details about Noodle Cat Games' inaugural title are still under wraps, gamers can expect something truly special. With their focus on innovation and their team's vast experience, Noodle Cat Games is poised to deliver an action RPG like no other.

In the meantime, Noodle Cat Games is actively expanding their team to bring their vision to life. They are looking for talented individuals who share their passion for gaming and want to be part of a studio that values creativity and collaboration.

Stay tuned for more updates from Noodle Cat Games as they continue to make waves in the gaming industry and redefine what it means to create a truly immersive gaming experience.


Noodle Cat Games is on a mission to revolutionize the action role-playing game genre. With their fresh ideas, innovative approach, and a team of industry veterans, they are poised to deliver exceptional gaming experiences that push the boundaries of what players expect.

By prioritizing individual creative impact, employee well-being, and career growth, Noodle Cat Games is creating a better work environment for game developers. They are setting an example for the industry and inspiring others to adopt similar practices.

Stay tuned for more updates from Noodle Cat Games as they continue to make waves in the gaming industry and redefine what it means to create immersive and unforgettable gaming experiences.

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