Ingram Micro Launches Game-Changing Xvantage Mobile App for IT Service Partners

Ingram Micro, a leading distributor in the IT industry, is revolutionizing the way IT service partners do business with the launch of the Xvantage mobile app. This groundbreaking app offers personalized experiences, real-time transactional benefits, and a seamless on-the-go experience. Discover how this game-changing app will transform IT service partner's workflow and enhance their ability to meet customer needs.

Introducing the Xvantage Mobile App

Discover the game-changing Xvantage mobile app that revolutionizes the way IT service partners do business.

The Power of Personalized Experiences

The Xvantage mobile app takes the partner experience to a whole new level. Through personalized data insights tailored to each Ingram Micro partner, the app provides a customized dashboard and favorites, allowing partners to access real-time transactional benefits, tracking, renewals, subscription billing, and more.

Empowering Partners On-The-Go

Gone are the days of constantly reaching for the laptop. With the Xvantage app, IT service partners can now complete orders, access territory information, and connect with customers anytime, anywhere, directly from their phones. Whether they're in the office or on the move, the app empowers partners with the tools they need to be agile, responsive, and efficient.

Seamless Integration for Enhanced Workflow

Learn how the Xvantage mobile app seamlessly integrates with other Ingram Micro platforms to streamline IT service partner's workflow.

Real-Time Data Insights

The Xvantage app leverages artificial intelligence to deliver real-time data and analytics, offering partners valuable insights and recommendations. Whether it's providing trending product recommendations or tracking order status, IT service partners gain a comprehensive view of their business and can make informed decisions to drive success.

Efficiency Through Automation

The app automates certain processes, eliminating manual tasks and reducing complexity for IT service partners. From order tracking to invoice management, the Xvantage app streamlines operations, freeing up time for partners to focus on delivering exceptional service to their clients.

Game-Changing Benefits for IT Service Partners

Discover the game-changing benefits that the Xvantage mobile app offers to IT service partners.

Enhanced Customer Service

The Xvantage app equips IT service partners with real-time customer service capabilities, allowing them to address inquiries and provide support on the go. By staying connected with customers and resolving issues quickly, partners can strengthen client relationships and drive customer satisfaction.

Access to Product Insights and Recommendations

IT service partners have access to valuable product insights and recommendations through the Xvantage app. Whether it's staying on top of trending products or exploring popular items being ordered by other partners, the app empowers partners to capitalize on market trends and offer their customers the latest and most relevant solutions.


The Xvantage mobile app from Ingram Micro is a game-changer for IT service partners. With its personalized experiences, real-time transactional benefits, and seamless on-the-go capabilities, partners can enhance their workflow, improve customer service, and access valuable insights to drive business success.


Can I access the Xvantage app on both iOS and Android devices?

Yes, the Xvantage app is available for both iOS and Android devices, making it accessible to a wide range of IT service partners.

Is the Xvantage app only for IT service partners or will there be a version for vendors?

Currently, the Xvantage app is available for IT service partners. However, there are plans for a future version of the app specifically designed for vendors.

How will the Xvantage app benefit my business from a workflow perspective?

The Xvantage app seamlessly integrates with other Ingram Micro platforms, automating processes, and providing real-time data and analytics. This streamlines operations, enhances efficiency, and enables partners to make informed decisions for greater business success.

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