Get to Know the Diverse Characters in The Alters with 11 Bit Studios' Trailer

11 Bit Studios presents a captivating introduction to the unique characters in The Alters through their latest trailer. In this base-building survival game, you will delve into the fascinating world of cloning and exploration. As you join the fast-paced mobile base, you will witness the essence of teamwork and diverse expertise needed to overcome the challenges of survival.

Getting Introduced to The Alters Characters

Discover the diverse cast of characters in The Alters

11 Bit Studios provides a comprehensive introduction to the characters inhabiting The Alters universe. Meet a wide range of intriguing individuals, each offering unique abilities and perspectives. Delve into their backgrounds and see how they will impact your journey in The Alters.

Cloning Mechanics and Its Role in The Alters

Unleash the power of cloning to tailor your character abilities

In The Alters, the game mechanics revolve around cloning as a means to tailor character abilities. By locating different versions of yourself possessing specific skills related to your personal life experiences, you can clone and incorporate these versions into your survival team. This allows you to fill crucial roles and undertake required tasks more efficiently.

When it comes to collecting these versions of yourself, you may discover characters skilled in various disciplines such as cooking, crafting tools, or gathering resources for survival tasks. Each of them brings a distinct set of skill sets essential for maintaining base operations in this uninhabitable environment.

The Sentient Perspectives of the Alters

Experience the emotions and existential dilemmas of the Alters

Despite being created as valuable resources for maintaining the base, the Alters in The Alters possess their own emotions, problems, and goals. Witness their existential doubts about their purpose and the meaning of their existence in this ever-changing environment.

Ranging from dilemmas surrounding their individuality to inherent existential questions, these clones are more than simple tools. They are fully-fledged sentient beings with sapience capable of paralleled thoughts and decisions. Collective purpose drives their motivation to escape, resonating with the player's determination to survive.

Forge Your Team with Alters in The Alters

Utilize teamwork and diverse expertise for survival

Teamwork forms the cornerstone of survival in The Alters. Embrace the advantages of utilizing the diverse expertise possessed by different versions of yourself. From diagnostic skills to combat training, each member of your altered team contributes to establishing a well-rounded and capable crew.

Solve In-Game Challenges:

Deploying your talented Alters to specific tasks becomes integral to overcoming in-game challenges. These obstacles can range from resource gathering and crafting essentials for surface exploration to operating as the ship's doctor.

Gaining New Perspectives:

The brilliance of cloning and utilizing alternate versions of yourself lies not just in the task completion but also in gaining new perspectives on your surroundings. Each Alter possesses personal experiences that pave the way for discovering new opportunities and exploring uncharted territory amidst the unforgiving environment.

The Race Against Time in The Alters

Survive against impending radiation and harsh conditions

Time is of the essence in The Alters as the characters face a race against the increasing levels of radiation resulting from the planet's unstable conditions. Join protagonist Jan on his quest to harness rapidium crystals, vital for creating the numerous versions of himself known as the Alters. The survival of the mobile base rests upon Jan's ability to carefully manage time, gather resources, and explore further to escape to safety before the impending cataclysm occurs.


The Alters presents a captivating gaming experience, where the power of cloning intertwines with the complexity of survival. Dive into the diverse cast of characters and explore their unique abilities and perspectives as you lead them through the challenges of an unforgiving world.

Discover the endless possibilities that emerge from individuality and teamwork, as you harness the various skillsets of your alters to overcome obstacles, complete tasks, and venture into uncharted territories. The game ignites deep reflections on identity and purpose, touching upon existential themes that resonate with both the characters and players alike.

With time ticking against you and your allies facing impending danger, embark on this thrilling race for survival as you strive to escape the clutches of impending cataclysm. Form unbreakable bonds, make life-altering decisions, and uncover the true essence of the Alters within this mesmerizing gameplay.


What are the release details for The Alters?

The Alters is scheduled for release in 2024. Stay tuned for further updates on the official launch.

Can I play The Alters on multiple platforms?

The Alters will be available on various platforms, which are yet to be announced. Keep an eye out for platform compatibility details.

Are there any multiplayer features in The Alters?

The Alters focuses on single-player gameplay with strategic decision-making and immersive storytelling. It does not offer multiplayer features at this time.

What are Rapidium crystals, and why are they important in the game?

Rapidium crystals play a vital role in The Alters. You need to harness these unique crystals to create different versions of yourself called Alters. These Alters contribute essential skills and expertise required for survival in the game.

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